List of Articles

Journal of the Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics. Vol. 29, No. 2, 2021

Original Article
Estimation of Discretionary Fuel for Airline Operations
J. Korean Soc. Aviat. Aeronaut. 2021;29(2):1-13.
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Predicting Human Errors in Landing Situations of Aircraft by Using SHERPA
SHERPA기법을 이용한 항공기 착륙상황에서 발생 가능한 인적오류 예측
J. Korean Soc. Aviat. Aeronaut. 2021;29(2):14-24.
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Passengers’ Perception and Their Acceptance of Technology-Based Self Service at Check-In Counter in Airport after COVID-19 Pandemic
COVID-19 이후 체크인카운터 기술기반셀프서비스에 대한 항공여객의 인식과 수용성 연구
J. Korean Soc. Aviat. Aeronaut. 2021;29(2):25-35.
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A Study on Safety Management Methods for Introduction of the Advanced Aircraft by the Republic of Korea Air Force
한국공군의 첨단 항공기 도입에 따른 안전관리방안 연구
J. Korean Soc. Aviat. Aeronaut. 2021;29(2):36-46.
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Effects of Furlough Caused by External Factors on the Pilot’s Stress Index
외부요인으로 인한 업무 공백이 조종사의 스트레스 수준에 미치는 영향
J. Korean Soc. Aviat. Aeronaut. 2021;29(2):47-54.
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A Study on the Improvement of Aviation Safety in Jeju Southern Air Corridor(AKARA-FUKUE Corridor)
제주남단 항공회랑(AKARA-FUKUE Corridor)의 항공안전 개선에 관한 연구
J. Korean Soc. Aviat. Aeronaut. 2021;29(2):55-66.
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The Effect of Korean Flight Crews’ Expertise on Long-Haul Flight Fatigue
한국 운항승무원의 전문성이 장거리 비행 피로에 미치는 효과
J. Korean Soc. Aviat. Aeronaut. 2021;29(2):67-77.
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A Study on Airworthiness Certification Standards for Military Small Rotary-Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
군용 소형 회전익무인기 감항인증기준에 대한 연구
J. Korean Soc. Aviat. Aeronaut. 2021;29(2):78-83.
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A Study on the Visualization of an Airline’s Fleet State Variation
항공사 기단의 상태변화 시각화에 관한 연구
J. Korean Soc. Aviat. Aeronaut. 2021;29(2):84-93.
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A Study on the Establishment of Minimum Safe Altitude and UAS Operating Limitations
최저비행고도와 UAS 운영제한고도 구축에 관한 연구
J. Korean Soc. Aviat. Aeronaut. 2021;29(2):94-99.
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Technical Review
A Legal Study on the Promotion of the In-Flight Security Officers System
J. Korean Soc. Aviat. Aeronaut. 2021;29(2):100-105.
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Analysis of Influencing Factors on Air Passenger and Cargo Transport between Korea, China and Japan
J. Korean Soc. Aviat. Aeronaut. 2021;29(2):106-110.
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A Study on the Observer Training and Implementation for Effective Normal Operation Safety Survey (NOSS)
J. Korean Soc. Aviat. Aeronaut. 2021;29(2):111-116.
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A Study on the Key Points of Korean MPL Training System
J. Korean Soc. Aviat. Aeronaut. 2021;29(2):117-121.
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