Research and Publication Ethics

Research Ethics Regulation

Article 1 (Purpose)

1) The purpose of the Regulation is to provide the Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics (hereinafter the ‘KSAA) with principles and directions in order to secure research ethics.

Article 2 (Application and scope of the regulation)

1) This regulation applies in respect to the members of the KSAA and any business hosted by the KSAA.

Article 3 (Definition of unethical acts in research)

An unethical act includes, but not limited to forgery, falsification, plagiarism, unreasonable identification of author(s), overlapped research, redundant publication, misrepresentation of achievements and inappropriate research activities in relation to any stage of research submitted. These stages may include but not be limited the research proposal, research performance and research conclusion presentation.

1) Forgery means intentional falsehood and fabrication of any proof, faking non-existent data and falsely making research result.

2) Falsification means manipulation of research process and fabricating or elimination of research data in order to finally distort the research contents.

3) Plagiarism means usage of ideas, contents, conclusion, or simply language of research of others without legitimate permission or proper quotation marks.

4) False indication of author(s) means not granting authorship to the person(s) who has contributed to the research contents or conclusion without proper reason or granting authorship to who has not contributed to the research.

5) Overlapped research is an act to present the same research result by conducting more than two separate researches under the same contents.

6) Redundant publication means publishing articles with the same contents to more than two academic journals.

7) Misrepresentation of achievements means an act of the author(s) to falsely present his/her educational background, experience, qualification and research achievement or result.

8) Any other activities, which is not considered acceptable in the field of aviation, aeronautics, and academia.

9) Inappropriate research activities mean falsely indicating authorship to the research without proper contribution and/or overlooking any aforementioned unethical act in the research that one is participating.

Article 4 (Publicity of the research ethics)

The KSAA shall publicize the research ethics regulation for members and other related business hosted by the KSAA. In case of authors of manuscripts, authors shall be well informed of the research ethics and keep an oath before presentation of an article or research.

Article 5 (Rights of the informant)

1) An informant refers to someone who reports any unethical act or provides proof of an unethical act to the KSAA.

2) A case maybe reported by any necessary means such as orally, in writing, by phone call, by post, or e-mail with the clear identity of the informant. If a matter is filed with the full research title or article title, concrete proof and contents of the unethical acts but without the identity of the informant, this matter may be acted upon as if identification has been already provided.

3) The KSAA will protect the informant from any disadvantage, unfair pressure or threats which may be caused.

4) If the informant is willing to know the investigation process or agenda, the KSAA shall inform the informant faithfully.

5) If it is confirmed that the matter is filed falsely, the informant shall not be protected by the KSAA.

Article 6 (Protection of reported authors’ rights)

1) The KSAA will uphold the rights and honour of the reported author(s) until the investigation is completed. If the reported author is confirmed to be innocent, the KSAA must do its best to redeem the honour of the reported author.

2) Suspicion of an unethical act will not be made public, until the committee confirm the suspicion after indepth and deliberate investigation

3) A reported author may request the procedure of the investigation and investigation schedule. The KSAA shall inform the reported author on the requested information faithfully.

Article 7 (Duty to verify fidelity)

1) When there is commission of unethical acts or any unethical matter is filed, the Editor-in-Chief shall faithfully initiate further investigation through the Ethics Committee.

Article 8 (Prescription of the fidelity verification)

1) If any matter older than three (3) years is filed, by virtue of principle an investigation will not be inititated.

2) Any research result of an unethical act older than three (3) years is quoted in order to use conduct any relevant matters with a further research, which includes, but not limited to the research proposal, request for research expenses, performance of the research, report of the research and presentation, and if such behaviour harms the public welfare or public safety, the matter shall be investigated in accordance with the relevant provisions.

Article 9 (Fidelity verification process)

1) Verification unethical acts shall be composed of investigations and decision.

2) If required, any extra process other than mentioned in Article 9(1) shall be added to the process.

Article 10 (Investigation)

1) An investigation is a process to verify the fidelity of the suspicion of an unethical act. The Ethics Committee in accordance with the relevant provisions initiates an investigation.

2) The Ethics Committee shall provide the informant and the reported author(s) with sufficient opportunities to defend and argue the case during the investigation. After the announcement of the decision, the Ethics Committee shall provide the informant and the reported authors with opportunities to make an objection and plead. If interested parties do not respond, no objection shall be regarded.

Article 11 (Decision)

1) Decision refers to confirm findings of the investigation and to notify the findings to the informant and the reported author(s). All stages of the investigation, from the initiative until the decision shall be completed within six (6) months.

2) Such period shall be prolonged with the approval of the Editor-in-Chief.

3) The informant and the reported author(s) do not agree with the decision of the Ethics Committee, an appeal shall be made within thirty days. The Ethics Committee may consider the appeal and approve another round of investigation if required.

Article 12 (Composition of the Ethics Committee)

1) The Ethics Committee shall be composed of more than five (5) persons.

2) Members of the Ethics Committee should be members of the KSAA.

3) Editor-in-Chief shall appoint the members of the Ethics Committee.

Article 13 (Authorities of Ethics Committee)

1) During the investigation process, the Ethics Committee shall request the presence of the informant, reported author(s), witnesses, and testifier to give statements. The reported author(s) shall be present for such request.

2) The Ethics Committee may propose sanctions against the unethical act to the relevant authority.

Article 14 (Documentation, filing and release of the investigation process)

1) The Ethics Committee shall file all the documents of the investigation in audio, video, or written document for minimum period of five (5) years.

2) The investigation report as well as the list of investigator shall be made public. However, if it is expected that such disclosure may damage the independency of the investigation authority, if such disclosure may give any disadvantage to the witness, testifier, or any external consultants, the list may be kept internally.

Article 15 (Report of the investigation result)

1) The Ethics Committee shall notify the contents and results of the investigation to the Editor-in-Chief within ten (10) days after the completion and after the decision of the investigation.

2) The final investigation report shall include:

  • a) Contents of the initial file of the act
  • b) Investigation subject, which is an unethical act
  • c) List of investigators
  • d) Decision to proceed the investigation and basis of the decision
  • e) Position of the reported author(s) in the subject research and facts of the suspicion.
  • f) An objection made by the informant or the reported author(s) and result of the objection

Article 16 (Authorship)

1) (Authorship) Author if all of the items below are satisfied, Contributor in case of dissatisfaction

  • a) Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; AND
  • b) Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content; AND
  • c) Final approval of the version to be published; AND
  • d) Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved

2) Any points that are not provided in this Regulation shall be discussed the relevant provisions of the KSAA and if there is not a relevant provision in any other regulations of the KSAA, it shall be discussed by the Board of the Directors of the KSAA.

3) (Date into force) This regulation came into force per March 1, 2009.

Ethical Charter of the Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics

The Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics (hereinafter the ‘KSAA’) aims at contributing to the development, application, and dissemination of aviation and aeronautics. Having this in mind, the Ethical Charter of the Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics establishes the ethical principles and standards in order to promote ethicality of the KSAA and its members.

1) Members of the KSAA shall contribute to the development, application and dissemination of aviation and aeronautics and promote public interest.

2) Members of the KSAA should commit all academic activities and businesses in a fair and faithful manner in order to keep the prestige of the KSAA and the foundation goals.

3) Members of the KSAA should not present research of other authors as their own research or opinions and respect copyrights of others.

4) Members of the KSAA shall present sufficient proof of citation when referencing research or opinions of others.

5) The KSAA will evaluate submitted manuscripts in a fair manner of scholar’s conscience.

March 1, 2009

Article 1 (Purpose)

1) The goal of the Ethical Charter of the KSAA is to establish the research ethics of the KSAA by creating standards and penalties for any violation.

Article 2 (General Research Ethics)

1) Members of the KSAA should commit all academic activities and businesses in a fair and faithful manner in order to keep the prestige of the KSAA and the foundation goals.

2) Members of the KSAA are expected to act objectively in any step of their performance and clearly present sources of used materials. Members should not forge, falsify or plagiarize the material or use others’ intellectual property without legitimate permission.

3) Any published manuscripts of the KSAA may not be published elsewhere and manuscripts published elsewhere cannot be submitted to the KSAA.

4) Author(s) shall give substantial contribution to the submitted manuscript and any author(s) shall not be omitted from the submission.

Article 3 (Definitions)

This Charter shall apply in respect of, including, but not limited to:

  • a) Forgery
  • b) Falsification
  • c) Plagiarism
  • d) Unreasonable indication of author(s)
  • e) Overlapped research
  • f) Redundant publication
  • g) Misrepresentation of achievements
  • h) Inappropriate research activity

Article 4 (Ethics Committee)

The Ethics committee may act/enact on any of the following

1) Investigate breach of ethics of any filed case and author(s) in accordance with the Charter.

2) Perform any preliminary investigation

3) If required, perform detailed main investigation and deliberate for the appointment of experts

4) Bring forward the final conclusion of the main investigation

5) Discuss reconsideration in accordance with the Charter

6) Will protect anonymity of any informer

7) Examine any fraudulent act regarding research and prevention of such act

8) Execute on any other matters requested by other Committees

Article 5 (Management of the Ethics Committee)

1) The Ethics Committee consists of maximum of six (6) members, including the Editor-in-Chief and other Editors.

2) Members of the Ethics Committee are members of the KSAA and the chairman is appointed by the Editor-in-Chief.

3) For the purpose of the main investigation, the Ethics Committee may engage a temporary committee of experts.

4) A meeting of the Ethics Committee may be convened by the chairman or request from one third (1/3) of the Committee members.

5) The Ethics Committee will deliberate and solve any filed matter within thirty (30) days from the recipient of the matter. In order to decide the matter, two third (2/3) of the Committee members should be present and vote of two third (2/3) of those present are required. Deliberated and approved matters shall be reported to the Board of Directors.

Article 6 (Functions of the Committee members)

1) The chairman represents the Ethics Committee and chairs every meeting.

2) The Editor-in-Chief and Editors in the reported field shall proceed any required preliminary investigation against the reported matter.

Article 7 (Meetings)

1) The chairman may summon the Committee meeting.

2) Any issue may be decided by the presence of two third of the Committee members and the approval of the two third of those present.

3) The meeting shall be held in a nondisclosure basis.

Article 8 (Preliminary investigation)

1) The Ethics Committee shall complete the preliminary investigation within thirty (30) days from the recipient of a report, and if required proceed to conduct the main investigation (established and came into effect per December 1st,2015)

Article 9 (Main investigation)

1) The Ethics Committee shall appoint main investigators within one (1) week from the decision preliminary to conduct the main investigation. The Ethics Committee shall also give a report to the Board of Directors, in relation to related activities within thirty days of the completion of the preliminary investigation.

2) Any interested person or person concerned shall be included in any of the undertakings of the main investigation.

3) Members of the Ethics Committee and the experts appointed by the Ethics Committee shall not have any contact with any person directly involved in a reported matter and both the Members and the experts should act confidentially. (Established and came into force per December 1st, 2015)

Article 10 (Report of a matter)

1) A matter may be reported in any possible means such as orally, in writing or by e-mail. The informant must reveal their identification.

2) If a member of the Editorial Board is aware of any fraudulent or inappropriate act of author(s), the member shall discuss the matter with the Editor-in-Chief and files the matter with the Ethics Committee.

3) The Ethics Committee shall preserve any material filed with a matter and most importantly secure any related materials.

Article 11 (Method of Vindication and Confidentiality)

1) Until it is confirmed that an author (or authors) have breached the Charter and research ethics, the author (or authors) should not be treated as violators.

2) An author (or authors) under review shall be given enough opportunities to vindicate himself or herself.

3) Before the final decision of the Ethics Committee, identity of the reported author (or authors) shall not be open to the public.

Article 12 (Actions after the investigation)

1) If Ethics Committee confirms that a reported author(s) has submitted or published materials in an unethical manner and against the policies of the Charter, and acted inappropriately, the Committee will then suggest disciplinary actions at the KSAA level to the Board of Directors.

2) If Ethics Committee confirms that the informant has intentionally or gross-negligently made a false report, the Committee shall suggest disciplinary actions at the KSAA level to the Board of Directors.

3) Disciplinary actions of the KSAA may include, but not limited to a warning, suspension or disqualification of the KSAA membership and notifying any appropriate organization.

Article 13 (Notification of the decision)

1) The Committee chair shall notify the decision of the Ethics Committee on the reported matter to the reported author(s) and informant, without any delay.

Article 14 (Redeliberation)

1) If the reported author(s) or the informant protests against the decision, an appeal of dissatisfaction should be made in writing within thirty days from the day of notification of the initial decision.

Article 15 (Expenses)

1) Any necessary expenses for the management of the Ethics Committee may be covered if the budget of the KSAA allows.

Article 16 (Penalties and Sanctions)

1) If it is confirmed that there is breach of the Charter and general research ethics, the Ethics Committee may decide on penalties such as suspension or disqualification of the KSAA membership, or public apology and propose the decision to the Board of Directors.

2) If found the work was plagiarised, depending on the severity, following sanctions may be given.

  • a) Three (3) years restriction on submission to the KSAA
  • b) Elimination from the article list on the KSAA website
  • c) Three (3) months public announcement on the matter on the KSAA website as well as its newsletter.

3) Such announcement shall be made within fifteen (15) days from the confirmation of Committee on any unethical act.

Article 17 (Amendment and cancellation of the Committee Management Regulation)

The Charter and the management regulation may be amended or cancelled by consideration of the Board of the Directors and deliberation of the general assembly. Miscellaneous Provision

1) (Enforcement date) The Charter came into force on March 1, 2009.

2) (Date of Amendment) December 1, 2015