Editorial Workflow

Guide for Authors

1) Journal of the Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics (hereinafter the ‘Journal’) shall publish creative research manuscripts that discuss theories and application of aviation, aeronautics, and any air transport related industry.

2) Members of the KSAA in principle shall make submission. Any co-author or invited author(s) may not be members of the KSAA.

3) Submission of an article implies that the work described has not been published previously, that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, that its publication is approved by all authors and tacitly or explicitly by the responsible authorities where the work was carried out, and that, if accepted, it will not be published elsewhere in the same form, in English or in any other language, including electronically without the written consent of the copyright-holder. A presentation given at any academic conference no longer than two (2) years ago may be submitted for consideration. The author(s) shall explicitly mention this when submission of the manuscript. The Editorial Board shall further discuss the matter and the result of the discussion shall be noted when the publication is accepted.

4) Author(s) are responsible for the contents of the submitted manuscript.

5) The Editorial Board shall review submitted manuscripts for publication.

6) Review Process

  • a) Only properly formatted manuscript following the KSAA guidelines shall be reviewed. The Editor-in- Chief may return the submitted manuscript to the authors for further formatting.
  • b) A submitted manuscript is review by 3 reviewers appointed by the Editor-in-Chief
  • c) If the Editor-in-Chief submits a manuscript, then the Editorial Board shall appoint a temporary Editor-in-Chief who appoints reviewers.
  • d) At least, Two (2) reviewers review a submitted manuscript (double-blind review). when required, add One(1) reviewer. Identity of both reviewers and the author(s) shall not be informed. After the first review, the Editorin- Chief shall notify the result to the author(s) and request for correction if required. The manuscript shall be published only when the three reviewers agree. If opinions of the reviewers differ, the author(s) shall be asked for correction of the manuscript. The fourth reviewer shall then review the corrected manuscript and the opinion of the fourth reviewer shall matter for the publication.
  • e) Reviewers appointed by the Editor-in Chief shall complete the review within fifteen (15) days from the recipient of the manuscript and notify the result to the Editor-in-Chief by e-mail, in a fixed format. If a circumstance does not permit to do so, the reviewer shall immediately notify the Editorin- Chief. If the Editor-in-Chief does not receive any note from the reviewer(s) within fifteen (15) days from the recipient of the manuscript, the reviewer(s) shall be considered as abandonment. The Editor-in-Chief may appoint another reviewer.
  • f) If requested by the Editor-in-Chief, the author(s) shall correct the manuscript within three (3) months from the recipient of the request and re-submit the corrected manuscript. The author(s) shall submit the correct manuscript as well as the corrected points by e-mail. If the Editor-in-Chief does not receive the notification within three (3) months, the Editor-in-Chief shall consider this as withdrawal of the submission.
  • g) The original reviewer(s) will review the corrected manuscript. The reviewer(s) shall review the corrected manuscript and notify the result to the Editor-in- Chief via e-mail.
  • h) The Editorial Board shall publish the manuscripts, which pass aforementioned procedures.
  • i) A specially invited manuscript shall be also reviewed following the aforementioned procedures including any required correction and published.

7) Only the manuscript that satisfies below points shall be accepted for publication.

  • a) Appropriation of the research subject
  • b) Originality of the research
  • c) Validity of the methodology
  • d) Contribution of the manuscript
  • e) Research conclusion and the degree of completion

8) The publication shall be made first come first serve basis. The Editor-in-Chief may amend the order if required for the composition of the Journal

9) The author(s) who accepted for publication shall immediately sign the oath of veracity and ethics and send it by post or fax to the Editor-in-Chief.

10) The Editor-in-Chief shall issue the Certificate/confirmation of future publication for accepted and confirmed manuscript for publication, if requested by the author(s).

11) The finally published article shall state the date of submission and acceptance of the manuscript.

12) Only the manuscript submitted before the regular meeting of the Editorial Board for the next publication shall be reviewed and published in the next issue of the Journal. Any other manuscripts submitted after the general publication meeting shall be reviewed and published in the forthcoming issues.

13) Copyright of the accepted manuscript for publication is possessed by the KSAA. The author(s) shall be responsible for any matter arising from the copyright

14) The author(s) shall be asked for fees for submission and publication of the manuscript. The Editorial Board will decide the fees.

15) The submitted manuscript will not be returned.

16) The size of the journal is 4×6.

17) The Journal is published four (4) times (February, June, September, December‘s last day) each year. when required, issue an special journal.