List of Articles

Journal of the Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics. Vol. 30, No. 2, 2022

Original Article
Analysis with Lifting Fan Position of Hybrid UAM Aerodynamic Characteristics
Lifting Fan의 위치가 복합형 UAM의 공력특성에 미치는 영향
J. Korean Soc. Aviat. Aeronaut. 2022;30(2):1-6.
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Analysis between Flight Training and Flight Simulator Training in Helicopter Flight Training Course
헬리콥터 비행교육 과정에서 비행훈련과 모의비행훈련의 상관관계 분석
J. Korean Soc. Aviat. Aeronaut. 2022;30(2):7-13.
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A Study on Aviation Oversight System Quality Management Improvement
국내 항공안전감독 품질 향상을 위한 개선방안 연구
J. Korean Soc. Aviat. Aeronaut. 2022;30(2):14-23.
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A Study on the Fuel Saving Method through the Analysis of Fuel Consumption on Domestic Flight
국내선 항공기 연료소모량 분석을 통한 연료절감 방안연구
J. Korean Soc. Aviat. Aeronaut. 2022;30(2):24-33.
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Study of Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Agents for Controlled Flight into Terrain (CFIT) Autonomous Avoidance
CFIT 자율 회피를 위한 심층강화학습 기반 에이전트 연구
J. Korean Soc. Aviat. Aeronaut. 2022;30(2):34-43.
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A Study on the Helicopter Pilot’s Workload Influences by ‘Surprise and Startle Effect’ in the Abnormal Situation
비정상 상황에서 ‘놀람과 깜짝놀람의 영향(Surprise and Startle Effect)’이 헬리콥터 조종사의 작업부하(Workload)에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구
J. Korean Soc. Aviat. Aeronaut. 2022;30(2):44-54.
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Research for the Chemical Emergency Oxygen Supply and Lighting System for Aircraft Passengers
항공기 승객용 화학적 비상산소 공급 및 조명시스템에 대한 연구
J. Korean Soc. Aviat. Aeronaut. 2022;30(2):55-60.
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A Study of Flight Instructor Training Specification for MPL (Multi-Crew Pilot License) in Korea
부조종사 자격증명(MPL; Multi-Crew Pilot License) 비행교관 훈련프로그램에 관한 연구
J. Korean Soc. Aviat. Aeronaut. 2022;30(2):61-69.
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A Study on the Differences in Pilot Stress according to Flight Missions
비행 임무에 따른 조종사 스트레스 차이에 대한 연구
J. Korean Soc. Aviat. Aeronaut. 2022;30(2):70-77.
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Technical Review
A Research on Assessing and Improving EPTA (English Proficiency Test for Aviation) using Qualitative Research Method
J. Korean Soc. Aviat. Aeronaut. 2022;30(2):78-85.
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