List of Articles

Journal of the Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics. Vol. 29, No. 1, 2021

Original Article
A Study on the Characteristics of Low-Level Wind Shear at Jeju International Airport from Go-Around Flight Perspective
항공기 복행사례를 통한 제주국제공항 저층 윈드시어의 특징 연구
J. Korean Soc. Aviat. Aeronaut. 2021;29(1):1-8.
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The Mediation Effect of Leader’s Trust in the Relationship between Flight Instructor Transformation Leadership and the Student Pilot Psychological Stability
비행교관의 변혁적 리더십과 학생조종사의 심리적 안정감 관계에서 지도자 신뢰의 매개효과
J. Korean Soc. Aviat. Aeronaut. 2021;29(1):9-19.
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The Relationship between Flight Crew’s Regulatory Focus and Adaptive Performance
조절초점과 적응수행의 관계에서 조직유효성의 영향
J. Korean Soc. Aviat. Aeronaut. 2021;29(1):20-29.
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Effect of Training Achievement on DiSC Behavior Types of Flight Instructors and Student Pilots
비행교관과 학생조종사의 DiSC 행동유형이 훈련성취도에 미치는 영향
J. Korean Soc. Aviat. Aeronaut. 2021;29(1):30-37.
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Application of RAG(Resilience Assessment Grid) of the Aviation Safety Organization in Response to the COVID-19 Situation
코로나-19 상황에 대응하는 항공안전조직의 RAG(Resilience Assessment Grid) 적용
J. Korean Soc. Aviat. Aeronaut. 2021;29(1):38-46.
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A Study on Factors Affecting the Level of Just Culture of Air Force Pilots
공군 조종사의 공정문화 수준에 영향을 주는 요인 연구
J. Korean Soc. Aviat. Aeronaut. 2021;29(1):47-60.
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Development Status and Economic Efficiency of PAV
PAV의 개발현황과 경제적 효율성 비교
J. Korean Soc. Aviat. Aeronaut. 2021;29(1):61-73.
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A Study on Vertiport Installation Standard of Drone Taxis(UAM)
드론택시(UAM)의 수직이착륙장(Vertiport) 설치기준 연구
J. Korean Soc. Aviat. Aeronaut. 2021;29(1):74-81.
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A Study on the Improvement of Education through the Correlation Analysis of the Situation Awareness and Education Satisfaction of Helicopter Pilots
헬리콥터 조종사의 상황인식과 교육 만족도의 상관분석을 통한 교육개선연구
J. Korean Soc. Aviat. Aeronaut. 2021;29(1):82-91.
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